Rock ´n´Roll on Holy Island

Steve Whetman, british Kayak legend and Lettmann-whitewater-ambassador took the Lettmann Biskaya MV to a wild ride on Penryn Mawr Tide Race, Holy Island, Anglesey, North Wales, UK. He had tons of fun and brought some great pictures, taken by Jim Krawiecki.

Sea state : strong tide race tidal stream, 2-3 metre swell against the tidal stream, force 3 to 4 with bright sunshine gave super sporty sea conditions to test out the performance of the Biskaya MV.

In the rough conditions the boat behaved in a capable confidence inspiring manner, allowing me to be relaxed and able to focus on surfing the breaking waves rather than trying to survive & keep out of trouble.

Crossing the strong currents & breaking into tight eddies was easy, the boat responded to a slight edge tilt to turn on command. Just when the wave takes off, crashes & tries to engulf you, the Biskaya responds and turbo charges forward, taking the beating in its stride - the Biskaya is the boss!

Words: Steve Whetman; Pictures: Jim Krawiecki




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